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New demo!


I finally have the new demo ready for you. Hopefully it answered all of your questions, and gave an easy and effective way to use the products.

It’s now a lot easier for me to (eep!) sleep in the Clips. I’ve discovered that pillow-placement is key for making this more comfortable. I try and lay with the pressure on my head and less on my ears. If possible, it’s only my head on the pillow, and my ears don’t touch anything. When they do, I’ve managed to lay on the flat part of the Clips themselves with little discomfort.

I’m starting to get just a little bit antsy. This morning I will admit I had a “what’s the point of this” thought as I was applying everything, but it passed. I haven’t given the product the time that it deserves to do it’s magic.

Until next week,


Side note: Don’t you love really bad screenshots of yourself?

21 responses to “New demo!

  1. lb ⋅

    hi–i’m really interested in this product for my baby but am having a hard time getting any questions answered from the sorribes company. i’m just wondering how their customer service has been for you and did it only improve once you actually bought the product.

  2. I haven’t contacted Sorribes in about a month, but their customer service has always been well above average, both before and after receiving the product. What questions did you have?

  3. lb ⋅

    my son is only 7 months and has pretty sensitive skin so i had wanted to see if they had received any feedback about how delicate skin handled the adhesive strips. i was also wondering if the strips are strong enough to stay on all day if they are then painful to take off (or what the process is for taking them off–i didn’t really see anything about that on the site). i was also curious about what type of ingredients are in the skin protection spray–if it is more natural or more chemical based. if you could give me feedback on any of this it would be super helpful…although i guess at this point i’m having some concerns about buying a sort of costly product from a company that i can’t get an email back from…but hopefully they are just busy this week or something…

    • Ian ⋅

      Just thought I’d add a comment to say that the strips do seem to be very strong in staying on as long as you want, I put them on when I arrive home from work and wear them most evening and throughout the night, they are still secure in the morning but as I need to take them off for work, I simply peel them off (like a plaster is the only way I can explain) and as for the spray, I’ve never used it… not sure if that helps you, but I can say that Sorribes have always been really helpful whenever I’ve emailed them and have given me really good help and advice.

    • I agree with Ian. The Strips usually last all day for me
      I tried to get the ingredients off of the Spray bottle but I couldn’t find any. All I know is it’s made by 3M which is slightly odd. I have pretty sensitive skin, and I haven’t had any problem with the Spray. To me taking them off is similar to that of a bandage. I don’t rip them off quickly because I always have to work as much hair off of the adhesive as possible. Did they email you back yet?

      • lb ⋅

        They did finally email us back when I used the email address (instead of the contact link on the website, which I guess had not worked/gone through to them). I think we are probably going to try it…I just don’t want to take the chance my son’s ears will bother him and risk surgery being the only option down the road. I do worry a little bit about what people have said about the adhesive on the clips. I know that you said that the clips themselves were uncomfortable for you at first…did you also have trouble with the adhesive–I think one person even said it ripped their skin off…certainly don’t want that for a baby!

      • Hi,
        The reason the Clips were so uncomfortable at first was because Sorribes sent me the child size! I really don’t experience discomfort at all with the Clips. Unless of course, I am sleeping. This product seems like it will work great for babies because most of them sleep on their backs, and the cartilage in the ears is not fully developed so things can probably be shaped at a faster rate. Good luck to you and please update us!

  4. Joel ⋅

    the biggest problem i have experienced has been in taking the pads off. the adhesive is very strong and i have been ripping skin off of my ear. this makes the process impossible to sleep in. has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    • Ian ⋅

      Hi Joel, I am having a similar sort of problem, its just the sleeping part that is so painful, the product would be fine if I slept on my back but as I sleep on both sides throughout the night its becoming very painful. Then the next evening it’s painful putting the clips back on as the skin is sore (mainly at the top of the anthehelix part) I want to persevere but I’m not sure how effective the product would be mainly only using the strips?!?!

    • Try opening the Clips back up widely (does that even make sense?) before taking the pad off your ears. When I first started I tried to just give the Clips a tug but I think it’s a lot less painful when it’s just the adhesive sticking and not the Clip itself. Can you sleep in them ok?

  5. denis ⋅

    Can anyone tell how can I buy happy ears and how much I must wait fir dilevery..thanks

  6. denis ⋅

    I will buy this product can anyone tell me how much time I must wait for delivery and wich way is best for buying-…… thanks a lot of

    • Hi Dennis,
      I actually don’t work for Sorribes, but customer service can help you. Just email them at < I received the product in just TWO days.
      Good luck with the treatment!

  7. denis ⋅

    thanks Megan, I hope so , I need only litlle correction in my left ear a 3mm and I decide try with sorribes can you tell me your opinion,have you any results? thanks a lot of megan…

    • I can’t see any difference yet, but I have only been wearing these for about 5 weeks.

      • denis ⋅

        thanks megan yesterday I was sent email for buying with my adress and I make option for payment on delivery is this ok or I must by with credit card…sory for much questions but you are onle person who can mi unederstand…and thank you for all you are good person and I wish you all best….

      • Hi again,
        I believe you can pay on delivery if you are outside of the US, but I would ask Sorribes just to be sure.
        Best of luck!

  8. denis ⋅

    thank you very much now all its ok my package coming soon,,,,thank a lot of I hope so will bi in contact and we can see together our results…. 🙂

  9. tommy ⋅

    does this thing work??

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