Put this out there for me!

So what I am about to tell you has absolutely nothing to do with Sorribes or otoplasty, but hey, it’s my blog right? I suppose I can do what I want (Feel free to skim through, Sorribes stuff is coming I promise).
For those of you who don’t know (ok probably everyone) I moved from Chicago to Los Angeles last fall leaving behind a great job. I cold emailed my dream company (MarketCast) the day I moved, and never heard back from them. Since then I have been been doing a lot of freelance and temporary work, and I started my own dog walking business, but things have been extremely…slow.
Two weeks ago, a position opened up at MarketCast, and I RACED to the computer to check out the hiring manager, and tried to wow her into giving me an interview. And it worked!
She emailed back immediately saying she liked my experience, and I should be hearing from HR shortly! Only I didn’t hear from HR that day. Or the next. Or the day after that. I started to wonder what “shortly” was supposed to mean. So I followed up. I emailed her again on Friday and she said she would check in with HR. But on Monday- nothing. Tuesday- nothing. I worked up the courage to call her today, and she said (very evenly) that HR was going to call candidates next weeks to set up interviews.
So…I still don’t know what’s going on. Do you guys think that’s a blow-off? She was extremely hard to read on the phone. I honestly wish hiring managers could just SAY if they are looking for something different.
Pray for me, well wish, send me light, whatever, but it would be AMAZING to even have an opportunity to interview with this company. Get that out into the universe! I want this more than I want less prominent ears haha!

Ok back to Sorribes stuff…
I bought this bad boy last week so I could do some measuring

but it hasn’t come yet. I plan to measure at the most prominent part of my ears and do a weekly log that I will share with you.

Does anyone have any questions about otoplasty? I have found someone that has had the procedure done, and I have asked him if he’d be interested in doing an interview with me about it. So gather up all of your questions for me and I will be sure to include them in my next video. He will then do a response video answering all of your questions! I plan on asking him if he had heard about Sorribes before getting this done, and why he decided against it. I’m also thinking about asking Per (the manager at Sorribes) to contact Sophie (a girl on Sorribes’s website that supposedly go great results in four months) and tell her what we are doing. Maybe she could give us some insight.

What else?
I am still going strong on Clip and Strip use. I sleep in both of them every night, and wear the Strips alone for the first half of the day.
Sometimes I feel lazy about changing the Strips, but then I remind myself that I DON’T want any blisters.

That’s all for now! Please gather your questions! I’m excited to talk to someone who’s had otoplasty!

Happy Wednesday!

And belated V-day!

I want to take a minute to thank you guys for getting me out of my Sorribes rut. I guess I was in somewhat of a dark place last week and I was getting impatient with results.
Joel, I took your advice and did a measure. I used a knitting tape measure and I’m currently trying to find something that would be a little more accurate, but you are right about keeping a tally of my progress. I think that would be helpful!

This week was much like any other. I wore the Clips about 16 hours a day, and the Strips almost 24 hours a day. I left the Strips on 3 days in a row without changing them, and I got a blister. As a result I didn’t use any of the products for one of the days in order to let it heal. I sort of stopped using the Spray. It’s not humid here at all, so I really don’t need extra hold.

I have a flight in a couple weeks to visit my family back home. Silly question:
Has anyone ever set off a metal detector with the Clips? I was wondering if I need a note from Dr. Sorribes or something (haha)? I will probably go the easy route and not wear then to the airport, but what would happen if I did?

Does anyone have an interesting Sorribes story to share this week? Post it!
I love hearing from you guys!

It’s tough sometimes.

When I work hard for something with absolutely no results, I feel discouraged.  Another week has gone by (that was fast!) and still…nothing. Yesterday I did some more searching. I would just like to find ONE person out there that either completed treatment and it worked, or completed treatment and it didn’t work. (And “Sofie” from the website doesn’t count.) I did find a review on a site called “Netmums.”:

Talking Surgery is not needed

Hi all,

Just stumbled over this rather old post, but i am just so excited to tell you that there is another solution than surgery. I have had huge problems with my own sticking out ears for as long as i remember, and when my oldest was born (2004) she had sticking out ears as well, i decided to do something so she would not have the same problems as i have had, and found a solution on the internet called AuriClinic, it is a non surgical solution like braces for teeths, and she could start almost as newborn, so we used this system on her, and after 4 weeks her ears was really nice, the people at AuriClinic recommended us to continue another 8 weeks, but after 2 more weeks my husband was hospitalised and we decided it was not the time to continue, so we never used it again, and her ears is still lying close to her head. When my youngest was born in 2009 we turned to them again and bought a kit, eventhough he actually did not have very much sticking out ears and he has the most beautiful ears now. Over the last nine months i have been using the products myself and now my own ears are corrected as well – i am just so happy !! Only thing i regret is that i did not do it before.
The web shop is now called Sorribes Online (after the inventor i think) – Sorribes Online- Sorribes-online.com


So yeah, Elsie has been using the product for nine months, (my 6 weeks doesn’t hold a candle to that) and claims it works. I tried to email her directly but her account has been deleted.
Until next week,

It took some time…

But it happened.

Last week, while doing some grocery shopping, someone approached me to inquire about the Clips. I thought they were hidden but my hair is pretty fine so they poked right through.I’d spent a little time deciding how I would answer the question if it ever came up.

1. I could say wearing silver clips is the new growing trend and everyone is getting in on the action. (I live in Los Angeles, so I could probably get away with that one.)

2. I could say it’s top secret, and I’d get in trouble for sharing the information with anyone. That one could be really fun! Imagine the looks on people’s faces…

3. I could say I am experimenting with a product that markets as an alternative to otoplasty because I don’t like my ears and deathly afraid of plastic surgery.

So many options! Of course whenever I plan what I want to say ahead of time, it never turns out quite the same as it did in my head.  This is how the conversation went:

Chick in the grocery store: Hey I’m sorry to bother you but  what gauge is that piercing?                            My thought: Oh she thinks it’s a piercing! Sweet! Maybe I can play this off.                                                   Me: It’s not any gauge. It’s just a clip I wear sometimes.

And then I walk away!

I didn’t show her my ear. I gave no explanation whatsoever. I just walked away! I didn’t even look back and I’m not sure why. It was unlikely that this girl, with a boob job and tattoos covering nearly half her body, was going to judge me. but sometimes I feel like a fool anyway.

I sleep in the Clips every single night now with no problems. Still no change, but I believe. Kind of like how when everyone believed in fairies it saved Tinkerbell’s life. Thanks , Peter Pan.

With strong belief,
