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I’m back!

It’s nice to see some more names since I have been away.
I want everyone to know that I received the correct sized pads, and will be starting treatment again in a few days.
In Mid-January I will be making a new video addressing all of your concerns, so if there is anything you would like me to include and you haven’t already asked me, now is the time!
I’d like to point out that one of our readers has noticed a small difference in the fold of his ears in just four weeks!
I find that amazing, and it makes me even more excited to get going again.
Joel, we encourage you to post any pictures you have!
Ciao for now,

12 responses to “I’m back!

  1. Ian ⋅


    You can also add me to your growing list of followers, I purchased the Sorribes kit recently after months of researching and deliberating whether to investigate surgery or not… I’m currently in my 2nd week of treatment and looking forward to joining you on the ride, so fingers crossed.

    Just so yourself and others know, I do not wear the strips when I am at work as they are far too noticeable stuck back (look impressive though I must say) but I place them on when I get home along with the clips and wear them both for however long I can, usually 8 hours plus. Not 100% sure I’m doing it correctly as some nights I wake up and have to take the clips off as I’m in pain, but I’m going to persevere for sure… and contact Sorribes too who I agree are very helpful

    They originally told me to expect seeing results in 9 weeks (but that could be based on continual use) but I think it will be much longer, just wondering how long you and others have been told to use the products for?

    Looking forward to keeping in touch and letting you know my progress and reading about yours and others experiences


  2. gabrielknights ⋅

    Ian, I’m also concerned with keeping them on at school, since I have short hair and it would be noticeable, to have such a drastic change in appearance… In this case I would wear them when I got home like you do. However I’m not sure if it would be as effective. I almost wish I started using them when I first started school so people wouldn’t know lol I’m also thinking of saying who cares and just telling people what I’m trying to do if they ask!

  3. Hey Ian,
    I can understand why you wouldn’t want to use the products at work. Even if you couldn’t see the strips from the back, it’s probably a shock for your co-workers to see your ears plastered to the sides of your head like that. Then you have to explain what you are doing. The whole concept seems a little silly when it’s first explained. Fortunately, I have my long hair to fall back on and can wear both products without being super obvious.
    I have a really hard time sleeping with the clips too because I don’t sleep on my back and it’s really irritating to put any pressure on my ear.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences with us and please KIT!

  4. Kaidi ⋅

    Hi fellow sorribes users,

    I have been using just the clamp as whenever I use the strips when I remove them I have blisters behind my ears. Not sure why. I’ve been using sorribes system for just over a month now and I think I can see small change but it might be my wishful thinking.

    Fingers crossed for all of us:)

    • Kaidi,
      Thanks for joining us!
      Have you notified Sorribes about the blisters?
      I have heard that from someone else but haven’t experienced the problem myself.
      Were you told to use the Clam? Have you tried the Clips at all?
      Let me know!

      • Joel ⋅

        my blisters formed basically where the clamps were pressing out on the ends. they also formed from when i removed the adhesive from the ear. this is not a pleasant experience people, but it is far better than otoplasty and you have much more control over the results. i recommend taking a sleeping pill when wearing the silver clamps if you are restless sleeper. also getting a hat like a beanie with tassels covering the ears is great, it can be a little painful but conceals them if say you have to run out for a minute and don’t want to take the clamps off. perhaps a donut pillow might help for the sleep as well. it is well worth it though people! i am going to try and get the people at sorribbes to start commenting on this page so we can get some official advise.

  5. Luis ⋅

    Hi megan, I bought the sorribes methos, but I don´t know if I am doing well because my ear it´s very hard and the auri strips doesn´t work. Do you have any idea of he correct use of the clam???
    I need more information about the correct use of the method because the pdf manual it’s not enough.

    Regards from Costa Rica!!!

    • Hi Luis,
      I have questions…
      How long have you been using the kit?
      How is it that the Strips don’t work?
      Do they immediately unstick when you fold your ear?
      Or are you finding they lose staying power throughout the day?
      Are you using the Spray in tandem with the Strips? I find that the spray helps keep things in place for me.

      I’d be more than happy to include a demo of the Clam in my next video. You can look for it a little later in the month.

      • Luis ⋅

        Hi Megan, I bought the kit on december 15th. My country it’s very hot, when I use the Auri Strips, they remain stuck about 30 minutes and then begin to take off. Not always but 60% of time.
        I don’t understant the correct use of the spray. The manual says that it’s use to avoid irritation, but it’s made by 3M, so I think that it’s use to help the strips. By the moment I’m not using the spray with the strips until I get more information.

        I have a question when you apply the auri strip on the ear, you have to fold it against the ear or against the head? Because my ear it’s very stiff and I can’t fold it against my ear.



  6. Hi again,
    You could try this and let me know what happens…

    1. Use the Shield to protect your face and use the Spray once or twice behind the ear.

    2. Wait a couple minutes to let it dry a little.

    3. Put on the Strips and fold the ear against itself.

    4. Immediately put on a padded Clip to reinforce the fold you made. Get the Clip as tight as you can while still being comfortable.

    5. Time this and see how long it lasts.

    And then let me know!
    I hope it helps a little. I am just now really starting to understand how the products work, and the correct ways to use them (see my other blog posts if you want to know what I mean!)


    • Joel ⋅

      one of the most important things to do is to make sure the back of you ears are dry and clean. i put the strips on immediately after i am done taking a shower, i then dry my head as much as i can with towel, then i dry my ears with a paper towel to make sure that they are as dry as can be. also make sure when showering to clean off the back of the ear with soap as the adhesive can be a pain to get off. the spray is for irritation, i have had success keep them stuck properly. what i do when wearing them and though it’s gross, is i keep the strips and the clams for 2 days, and i don’t wash my head when showering on the second day. that way i can leave the clam and strips on for 48 hours straight. i am currently taking a hiatus because they were far to painful to wear for some reason, and i am waiting to figure out what it is. also for those who are concerned, i am a guy who has worn my hair medium short for my whole life. my ears have been exposed some times and i too was fearful people would notice the sudden change when wearing the strips. not one of them did and i had just cut my hair to keep it out of the strips. i was so thrilled that not even my family can tell the difference. i can of course, but i think it goes to show how minute of a difference this really makes. i think it will be a confidence thing more than anything.

      • Hey Joel,
        Are you wearing the Clam that often or is it the Clip?
        I’m just wondering because I don’t think I could wear the Clam for more than an hour or two!
        And yeah, I feel like the person that cares/notices your ears the most, is you!
        I have revealed my insecurities about this to only a handful of people and their response was always “What are you talking about?” or “Your ears are fine.”

        My goal is just to reshape the fold a little and get them a little closer to my head and I’ll bet NOBODY says anything when I start wearing my hair up to reveal my new ears for the first time! It’s totally a confidence thing.

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