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Hi all,

I have a new plan. Thanks to one of our readers, I came across a message board that asks doctors questions about otoplasty. I think it would be great to ask them about Sorribes and get their input on the concept in general. My job is to find a few surgeons willing to do this. YOUR job is to come up with some specific questions that you want answered. We have a couple weeks as I won’t be updating next week or the week after since I will be out of town, but start thinking about questions to ask now.

Aldo from YouTube has agreed to answer any questions we have about otoplasty! My next video will be questions to him representing all of us.  I hope to have perspective from both the patient, and the surgeon!

My updates for the week:

1. I left the Clips on for three days straight. NOT good. There are a couple little nicks on my ears from the indentation, and for two days I couldn’t wear the Clips.

2. I got my ruler. I need someone to measure for me as it’s impossible to do alone. I will get back to you on that.

Update on the job: No calls, but they didn’t fill the position either. I’m still (slightly) hopeful.

I wish you all the best, and will be back in a couple weeks. Remember to have questions ready! I hope to get a few plastic surgeons interested in what we are doing!



28 responses to “Information.

  1. Justin ⋅

    Hi Megan,

    Hope you enjoy your travels in the coming weeks!

    While they may be few and far between, I’d be interested to hear from doctors/surgeons with dentistry knowledge. I’d imagine the process has at least some parallels to what braces do for teeth straightening. Questions relating to how the process differs (bone remodeling) and how cartilage works / how it hardens over time / how its shape might be changed over time.

    It definitely appears like it can indeed be changed as an adult. There are references to ear splintage working in adults in Japan (it takes time, perseverance), and there are also references to nun’s ears lying flat to their heads after wearing a wimple for so long.

    It’d be really interesting to find photos of someone who wears a headpiece for the majority of the day and how their ears have changed over time. Not sure what the search would be for that one 🙂

    I wonder how long it would take though? I think I might just wear a headband 24/7 for a few months to see what happens.


    • Thanks Justin,
      I’d really like this as well. If I could just find at least one person (someone that I can actual contact) who has had success with this method I’d be much more optimistic about the process!
      I promise to update you guys with whatever I find.

  2. Rahul ⋅


    Need your help please. So my silver clips literally broke into two pieces (they ripped down the center crease). I have been trying to email Per, but am getting no response. Sorribes is completely ignoring me! I was wondering if you’ve tried to contact them recently, and had any luck.


    • Hello,
      I have not emailed Sorribes in about six weeks. How long ago did you email Per?
      They are located in Denmark, so obviously there will be a time difference.
      My kit came with four Clips. Did yours only come with two? I would use the other two for now (if you have them) and hopefully he will get back to you soon.
      Sorry that happened! How did you break them?

      • Rahul ⋅

        Thanks Megan! Yea I have 2 pairs, so I’m only left with 1 pair now. The clips just tore right down the middle, where the crease is. I just used them normally, and then one day when I squeezed them to put on my ears, they just snapped into two pieces. This happened with 2 of my silver clips, so now I’m left with the other two. I emailed him a few days ago. Hopefully he’ll respond! Thanks Megan.

      • Joel ⋅

        had the same happen to one of mine, try and be very gentle opening and closing the clips and don’t open then up too much when you are changing the pads. hope this helps. i have emailed sorribes a number of times and each time they responded in a couple of days.

    • Luis ⋅

      I can sell you all my Sorribes Method for $150, Im saving for othoplasty.

      • Rahul ⋅

        Thanks for the offer Luis, but I’ll just buy the replenishment kit after my start kit is over. Joel, thanks for the tip! Yea I’m gonna be more careful when opening the silver clips. I think they broke because when I would change the pads, I’d open them up too wide.

      • Hi Luis,
        It sounds like Sorribes did not work out for you.
        Can you please tell us why you are selling your kit, and how long you used the products before deciding to stop? It would be a HUGE help.

  3. Daniel Kotsireas ⋅

    did you ever measure your ears, and if so was there a diffrance ?
    thank you.

  4. Brie ⋅

    Hey I got my kit in the mail yesterday and I have tried to contact them through email, but when I send it I get a delivery status failure notice. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas on how to get ahold of them? Thanks!!

    • Brenda ⋅

      when I emailed them on the site, I got a failure notice. When I copied their email to my yahoo account, it worked. Took a few days to reply.

      • Brie ⋅

        I copied their email to my hotmail account and I could not get it to work…I’m getting a little frustrated! Just not sure if I should be wearing the clams or not?

      • Hi,
        They would have told you during the evaluation if you should be using the Clams.

      • Brie ⋅

        I never got an evaluation because the email would never work for me 😦 I try almost every day hoping it will go through, but it never does.

  5. lb ⋅

    Quick question–so the website says there is “approximately” three month’s supply in the starter kit, which includes 90 strips and 80 clip pads. Now when I just counted what I have left it is clear that I got 90 sets of strips, meaning that would last about 90 days. However I only got 40 sets of clip pads (or 80 total), which means if I do what Sorribes says and apply the clips every day, that will last me 40 days, which is not close to three months. Just wondering if the supplies were the same in your adult kits (this is for my 9 month old). I am going to contact them about this but just wanted to see if any of you have already done so/gotten a response/or have a different amount of clip pads in your kit.


    • Joel ⋅

      they say the pads for the clips are supposed to last 2-3 days each, meaning it should be around 90 days worth of pads. in my experience though sometimes the clips don’t last more than 1 day, and sometimes they can last up to 3. i go through the pads much faster than the clips because i sometimes only change the strips every other day. hope this helps.

      • lb ⋅

        So do you mean you take the pad off and then the same adhesive pad can be reused and will stick well to your ear?

  6. Joel ⋅

    i leave the pad in the clip, and usually after i’ve taken it off, it can be reapplied to the ear. however sometimes it loses too much adhesive to stick over night.

  7. G ⋅

    Hello! Is anyone having any success? How many of you out there are trying Sorribes? Here is an email exchange I had with the customer service – what do you think?

    I understand your concerns,

    Sorribes Ear Method(r) was originally named AuriMethod(r) , and was distributed through doctors clinics, meaning that no marketing effort was made, Dr. Sorribes however was unhappy about this business model because the price was very high, instead of allowing a larger amount of people to benefit from the treatment. Therefore he decided in 2011 to focus his energy on research and development and made an agreement with our facilities to have all commercial rights for the treatment system, following his strict supervision.

    This is the reason you are not finding hundreds of happy clients telling about their experience. At the moment we are looking for new reference customers, and are offering a gift certificate worth of US$ 100 to if we can use our client’s before and after pictures. We are, however, dealing with a very personal matter. Sharing very intimate stories with the rest of the world seems to be too private for our clients. For now I can only refer to the cases on our website:

    I hope this answers some of your concerns. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

    Kind regards

    Kian Andersen
    Assistant Manager

    Sendt: 14. marts 2012 04:45
    Til: Sorribes Online
    Emne: Re: Individual ear evaluation

    Hello and thank you for checking in with me. I would REALLY like to try your product with my daughter, but I can’t necessarily afford to spend this amount of money on a product from another country that I can’t find any feedback on. If they work so well, why aren’t hundreds of people writing in to tell, show, and share their success stories? If I was able to try them and had success, I would be sure to spread the word far and wide… Yet, unfortunately, these are the concerns that are withholding me from purchasing and using your product. Thank you for your thoughts.

  8. lb ⋅

    great thanks joel. i think it is another story with babies too. i actually had to stop putting the clip on my son at night, which stinks b/c he didn’t mind it at all. however even using new clip pads every day, we still had them fall off at night sometimes, and it is definitely a choking hazard for a baby so not worth the risk. he moves around his crib so much i think it just knocks it off sometimes. because of that i know that an old pad would never make it…even through a nap. i just emailed sorribes to see if i can buy the pads alone. we have twice as many strips as pads…it would be a total waste of money to buy the refill kit they have on the website b/c we would always have way more strips then we need.

  9. JL ⋅

    Megan Grace for your blog.

    First of all apologize for my English is very bad.

    I am interested in buying Sorribes treatment for my baby 6 months has ears prominent.

    But I wonder if the method actually works or not. I would appreciate if someone can tell me their experience with treatment in infants.

    Kind regards

    • Hello,
      The reason I started this blog, is because I could not find anyone with a success story, OR an unsuccess story. Please check back in a couple of months and hopefully I will have a better answer for you.

  10. Hi Megan, did you get an evaluation (sending photos of your ears) before buying the kit? or you just bought it?

    Anyone else got a previous evaluation?



  11. Thank you so much for everything Megan! I think I’m going to try it, so we can share experiences.

    Kind regards

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